cosplay cosplay for fun

Reality Check: "Cosplay For Fun"

October 26, 2017Nao Itazura

This photo has nothing to do with the topic, I just needed something. So yeah lmao
Am I the only one who feels incredibly uncomfortable with the use of the phrase "Cosplay For Fun"?
With Cosplay being a hobby that's progressively growing into the mainstream, the size of the cosplay scene has at least doubled the amount each year with fresh hopeful blood coming in and while some opt for a change in priorities and could no longer support this hobby. Volume was not the only thing that has changed, mindset/attitude has also drastically evolved, some for the best and others, not so favorable.

Personally, the perception of simply "doing it for fun" doesn't quite equate with reality.
In reality, Cosplay is stressful, heart-breaking, pressuring, and more than ever, you'll face more rejection than you could possibly meet in most hobbies. I have broken down and cried over this hobby more times than I have ever cried in RL (for the most part, I rarely ever do). Rushing to catch up to deadlines, bleeding over sewing/crafting props, sacrificing the little amount of sleep left from work/studies, painful hours of researching about a character's background and fabric/material accurate to their era, and then being shit on for standing out.

It's a tough hobby to survive in, it tests your ability to persevere whether it be in mind, skill, emotional, or social relationships. Time and time again, I question myself "why do I do this", "why do I continue"?

It's because I LOVE it.
I love the feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction after sacrificing so much emotion, time, money into this costume/photoshoot/skit and be like "Fuck yeah." No amount of rejection combined would be able to drown the fire, passion and love I have after successfully bringing out a character I respected, adored, and looked up to. Nothing in this god forsaken 7 years of cosplaying would compare to the pride I built when ever so rarely, someone comes up to me and say "I see this character in you". Nothing could ever washout the feelings of warmth and support from the people that I happen to bond through cosplay and to this day, means the world to me.

So, no. I don't do cosplay for "fun".
I do it because I love it.
And because I love it, it becomes fun.

- Author's Notes -
A/N: So, I decided to create a series to tag under "Reality Check". These blog posts are purely my opinions on certain topics that I feel the need to address. You may or may not be able to relate but point is, I'm not here to shove my opinions down anyone's throat, but to share my 2 cents on things. So agree to disagree! 😊

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