ACG ACG event

Yuri!! On Ice Cosplay Panel【VAX17】

August 23, 2017Nao Itazura

Having participated as a Special Interest Panel for VAX for the past 2 years in a row as a Kuroshitsuji Cosplay Panel, it was a challenge to figure out something new and bring it up a notch. On our third year of cosplay panel at Visual Arts Expo, the team decided to change it up and bring on a new series; Yuri!! On Ice. An amazingly beautiful animation with inspirational characters and fantastic story line. Amazingly enough, VAX coincidentally brought down Studio MAPPA (animation studio for Yuri!! On Ice)!
This year we were invited to be an official stage panel, which meant a lot since we all agreed that this would be the last panel we did as a team due to respective responsibilities. The team this year included two new fantastic members; Keito (Katsuki Yuri) and Ay Jay (Mila). So incredibly grateful of having such an amazing team to work with! Best team to be honest. Love every single one of them!


Event: Visual Arts Expo 2017
Date: 22-23rd July 2017
Venue: SACC (Shah Alam Convention Center)
Panel: Official VAX Stage Panel
About panel:
The ice rink wasn't the only place on fire this season. The team of Y*OI on Ice!!! brought the characters of Yuri!! On Ice, off the ice and on-stage at VAX. There were Q&As, truth or dares, and other such activities for the audience to join in the interaction with the panelists as we make history together. And all in-character (role playing).
To view the event page, click here

Panelist line:

Online Q&A Submission

Due to time constraints and to ensure a smooth  flow of the panel, we opened up an online submission form for people to submit their questions and dares to. And I kid you not, the submissions were not very kind 😂😂😂 and neither were the responses from the team. Highlights include...
"What is your relationship with Otabae? And what happens if Mila dates him?"
"Yakov, will you remarry your ex-wife?"
Also, what was with the stupid-ass submission names XDD. OMG

Gossip with Phichit! (Never Have I Ever)

Much like the drinking game, statements are read and panelists must answer whether they have done it (green tick) or have not done it (red) with a two-sided answer board. And good god- there were some juicy highlights! Hint! Lots of Vikturi and Otayuri moments! I love how the crowd knew how bullshit each of us were and totally caught us lying.
"Never have I ever had a feelings for another skater"
Bonus! We had an Otabek in the audience play with us and lord- the amount of screams.

Online Dares Submission

Dares were submitted by the audience and lord, it was either mega chill or the ultimate test of how rated this panel was. 
The dare here was to wear nekomimi ears. Hilariously enough, we didn't bring any but the audience passed it to us. Not just one, but two lol.

Know Your Country Trivia

Panelists are split into two groups, Asia vs European. Two group representatives from the audience represents either team Asia or team European to answer trivia questions about every country the skaters are from (Russia, Switzerland, Japan, Thailand). The losing team were punished together.
Still salty my team lost because these were some pretty easy questions, especially Russia questions! COME ON TEAM. WHAT HAPPENED?

Posing Game

Photo references are shown on screen and the audience would come up to emulate the poses. Shout out to everyone who tried because these were some hard poses hahahaha.


Finally! The highlight of the entire panel, the lip-sync battle! Here, skaters perform to their song as best as they can to win the audience's hearts. And we did not expect such a fiery lip-sync battle. It was so hot, people complained about the air-conditioning and yo, the air condition was completely fine. I urge you to watch it! We even had a full on burlesque-like performance! Good god- Chris and Mila had zero chill, whilst Phichit and Yuri had such a cute all-together performance. Can't unsee Mila now. Can't unsee her.

History Maker Sing-A-Long

To thank everyone and celebrate an amazing panel, we ended the panel with a sing-a-long to Dean Fujioka's History Maker. Everyone, including those who were not even much of a fan of Yuri!! On Ice were singing to it. Definitely a tug at the heart. We can't tell you how amazing it felt to be with everyone there. We were all truly history makers.

All in all, it was an amazing experience. We never expected the panel to be this successful. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and we hope that everyone did as well. The hype of the panel still continues and I doubt it will end for me. Heck, even Studio MAPPA had a blast watching the entire panel and Instagram-ing it the entire time! Hilariously enough, they purposely came early before our panel started to watch us. Oh the pressure hahaha. I love how down the audience was! But indefinitely, all worries, stress, and doubts went away on stage, and we just treasured the moment.

It was the best way to end our 3 year-run. Thank you for having us. And thank you for helping us make history.
Давай ! ! !

To watch the full panel click here:
Special thanks to Visual Arts Expo for giving us this opportunity, Mr9 Workshop for working with us for the group photos, the VAX stage team for helping us, and everyone who attended.
Let us know what you thought about the panel and whether or not we should come back in the distant future!
Can't forget the obligatory Otayuri selfie!

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