ACG ACG event

【AMG17】 Mistake Messenger & Chibiyama

August 21, 2017Nao Itazura

Despite my current hiatus status from cosplay, I managed to attend Animangaki 2017 and all due to my partner's pestering. AMG this year was a very nostalgic experience that I haven't had for a long time. This time, I wasn't joining any competition, rushing for COD, or rushing to find people I knew. It was just an easy-breezy, follow the wind kind of experience and got to geek out with random cosplayers that now I can call my friends!

DAY 1: Mistake Messenger

Cosplayed MC for Joe Yee's Mr 50-shades-of-Elizabeth (Jumin Han) from Mystic Messenger (Mistake Messenger to be honest). Always have a love-hate relationship with this control-freak but always a pleasure to be his MC hehehehe. Due to the nature of our costume, we could pretty much do anything we wanted and not have to be bothered by things falling off and such. So, we definitely had fun running around seeing people, checking out the doujin booths and watching the AMG Idol Competition (annual singing competition).
You know you're a fujoshi when you understand this.
AMG Idol Competition was honestly, one of the most amazing singing competition I've ever attended and it was my first time watching. Every contestant that went through to the prelims were fantastic, each had their own vibe and uniqueness. A little sad at how dead the crowd was because these people were singing for their life! So beautiful! 
My favourite performance was a contestant who sang Noragami Aragoto's soundtrack, Kyoran Hey Kids!!! A really hard song to sing but he was amazing! If anyone know him or his social media, can I please have it in the comments section? Would love to follow his work.
"How to talk to short people". Photo by Alex

DAY 2: Chibiyama

Cosplayed as Tobio Kageyama from Haikyuu!! Was not expecting to cosplay him at all and neither did everyone who saw us. Actually was not even planning to cosplay but of course, someone decided to shove their costume and wig to me. So, there I was, a Chibiyama, shorter than all the Hinata's and Nishinoya's by a head. It was hilarious to see people's reaction because either they don't recognize me or they just straight-up laugh. But good god- it was frustrating how good my partner's Oikawa because I had the full urge to punch em the whole day.

Do you see my point?

AMG Cosplay Competition

The cosplay competition is definitely one the highlights of AMG for me. It has a fantastic stage, lighting, sound system, and fog-machine to perform with, and best believe that it has a few of the best cosplay skits I have ever seen in Malaysia. Not to mention that the winner will be qualified to join Comic Fiesta's Cosplay Invitational. So of course, I would not miss watching this year's competition!
The standard this year was raised quite well. The execution, story line, character portrayal, and stage set up has definitely improved. Despite the small elements of comedy, you could see everyone's effort and seriousness in their performance. Even the judging panel was brutal this year, and for good reason! Like they say, you haven't improved if you're not even aware of your faults.
All in all, congratulations to the winner, Taka and Wen! It was an amazing performance! They performed an amazing skit and pulled through the end despite an unexpected knee injury mid-way performance. Much respect! Safe and quick recovery, Taka! And good luck for Cosplay Invitation!

Good job to the contestants! Excited for next year's participants!



  • Fantastic performances
  • Amazing AMG Idol competition
  • Great Cosplay Competition & Panel judges
  • Stage & sound system was one top!
  • Free drinks! Can't tell you how much this is sooooooo important!
  • More quality merch in doujin booths

  • Low energy crowd (stage)
  • Escalators that are not working
  • Inconvenient crowd flow (long way for entrance)
All in all, a pretty okay AMG 2017 experience. Definitely did not regret attending this time and all thanks to my partner (yay). Not to mention I got to see so many unexpected faces I haven't seen in ages!
Let me know what your experience at AMG this year was like in the comments below!

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